New Students
For NEW students - including Kindergarteners who have not yet enrolled:
Parents: After completing the basic information requested at the link above, an MCAS staff member will review your request and email you a PowerSchool ID and password. You will be asked to create an account in the PowerSchool Parent Portal and use this information to associate your student to your login. You will also be asked to complete online Enrollment forms. One those online forms are completed, you should bring required documents (birth certificate, parent ID, proof of residency, and immunization records) to your child's school.
Enrollment vs. Registration - What is the Difference?
Enrollment is "signing up" a new student to attend our schools. Once your child is successfully enrolled with MCAS, you will be asked to "register" your child for school annually. This is an opportunity to review important student information and to sign required forms electronically prior to the child's start of school.
At the beginning of each school year, all families will be asked to Register -- completing annual forms and confirming contact and emergency information for their student(s). Returning student registration will begin the last week of July, using the PowerSchool parent portal.
Before & After School Services
Michigan City Area Schools has several Before and After School Programs with Safe Harbor and Boys and Girls Club. For more information click on the link below.