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Staff Directory

1 2 3 29 > showing 1 - 30 of 841 constituents

Laurie Abbey

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Michigan City High School
Department: Teachers

Victoria Abdullah

Title: Instructional Assistant
Locations: Marsh Elementary School
Department: Classroom Assistants

Erica Ackerson

Title: PE/Health Teacher
Locations: Krueger Middle School
Department: Teachers

Ramona Adams

Title: Bus Monitor
Locations: Transportation
Department: Transportation

Megan Adkins

Title: Safe Harbor Site Coordinator
Locations: Edgewood Elementary School
Department: Safe Harbor

Michel Aiken

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Joy Elementary School
Department: Teachers

Heather Alexis

Title: 5th Grade Teacher
Locations: Joy Elementary School
Department: Teachers

Khadijah Allen

Title: Paraprofessional
Locations: Pine Elementary School
Department: Classroom Assistants

Shirley Allen

Title: Choir Teacher
Locations: Krueger Middle School
Department: Teachers

David Alvarado

Title: Principal
Locations: Pine Elementary School
Department: Office

Kathryn Alvey

Title: Education Professions Instructor
Locations: LPCCTE South Campus
Department: Teachers

Nicole Amodei

Title: Language Arts Lab Teacher
Locations: Krueger Middle School
Department: Teachers

Tracey Anderson

Title: FACS Teacher
Locations: Michigan City High School
Department: Teachers

Arminda Anguiano

Title: School Counselor
Locations: Michigan City High School
Department: Office

Nikki Anthony

Title: 4th Grade Teacher
Locations: Knapp Elementary School
Department: Teachers

Julie Anton

Title: Special Education Secretary
Locations: Administration Building

L. Sue Ard

Title: Social Studies Teacher
Locations: Krueger Middle School
Department: Teachers

Matthew Ard

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Michigan City High School
Department: Teachers

Amy Armstrong

Title: Reading Interventionist
Locations: Edgewood Elementary School
Department: Curriculum

Sharon Arndt

Title: Kindergarten Teacher
Locations: Edgewood Elementary School
Department: Teachers

Erica Arnett

Title: Virtual Academy Teacher
Locations: Michigan City High School
Department: Teachers

Jeanoma Babcock

Title: Library Volunteer
Locations: Coolspring Elementary School
Department: Library Media Services

Jonathan Bach

Title: PE/Health Teacher
Locations: Springfield Elementary School
Department: Teachers

Kathy Bair

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Krueger Middle School
Department: Teachers

Cheryl Baker-Comer

Title: Food Service Tech
Locations: Niemann
Department: Food Service

Susan Baldwin

Title: Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teacher
Locations: Michigan City High School
Department: Teachers

Nicole Ballinger

Title: Pathways Teacher
Locations: Pathways
Department: Teachers

Elizabeth (Liz) Bar

Title: Pre-K Paraprofessional
Locations: Springfield Elementary School
Department: Classroom Assistants

Steven Barnes

Title: Automotive Technology Instructor
Locations: LPCCTE North Campus, LPCCTE South Campus
Department: Teachers

Zachary Bartelheim

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Michigan City High School
Department: Teachers